Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Specialness of June

Apparently there is something special about every day and every week in June -- some are even doubly special because they have more than one thing to celebrate.

Here is the specialness of June, starting with the weeks:
In sequence, we have National Fishing Week, National Clay Week, National Hermit Week, and National Camping Week
Take a Kid Fishing Weekend is June 11-13. Ask a Boy Scout for help if you need it. Please
National Nursing Assistants Week is June 11-18
National Flag Week is June 14-20. (Your attention is called to June 14th, below.)
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week is June 20-27.
June 1st is National Trails Day
June 2nd is Colleen Day
June 3rd is Chimborazo Day
June 4th is Old Maid's Day
June 6th is the 66th anniversary of D-Day
June 8th is Best Friends Day
June 9th is Senior Citizens Day
June 10th is Ball Point Pen Day and Little Brother Bill's Birthday
June 12th is Magic Day
Kitchen Klutzes of America Day, the 13th, shares Weed Your Garden Day — the second Sunday in June
June 14th is 'Pop Goes the Weasel' and Flag Day. Stand and salute her when she passes on 7/4...
June 15th is Fly a Kite Day — to commemorate Franklin's kite experiment in 1752
June 16th is National Fudge Day
June 17th is Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18th is National Splurge Day
June 20th is Bald Eagle Day and Father's Day. This may be a coincidence. The third Sunday of June is designated Ice Cream Soda Day and falls on the 20th this year
June 21st Cuckoo Warning Day. Hear a cuckoo and have a wet summer
June 22nd is Auto Race Day and Stupid Guy Thing Day. TURN LEFT!
June 23rd is Bullwhacker Day
June 24th is Log Cabin Day. Good syrup
June 25th is LEON Day. LEON is NOEL spelled backwards. It is six months until Christmas
June 27th is National Columnists Day. Some are better than others
June 28th is World War I Day
June 29th is Library Advocacy Day
June 30th is Leap Second Time Adjustment Day

Information plucked from the Pioneer Press Bulletin Board on June 1, 2010.