Saturday, September 19, 2020

No Next Button: Only Three of These 35 Major Design Mistakes Should be Avoided by Everyone

This is my companion piece to Elle Decor's list of "35 Major Design Mistakes that Everyone Should Avoid." (You will want to open the link to follow along: )

It's a list compiled from apparent feedback from multiple designers (but not 35 unique designers -- a few designers appear at least twice.) Most of them are, in my design opinion, obnoxious.

1. Vessel sinks: You can set them lower. Your petite friends will be fine.

2. Leather sofas: Not everyone is a nudist. And, nudists sit on towels.

3. Karate chop pillows: The pillows aren't offensive. That wallpaper is.

4. Brass kitchen faucets: It will look better as it ages than any chrome faucet.

5. Icon-itis: I think Joe Nahem is jealous. This room looks fab.

6. Fools Gold: I hear Trump has one. I agree.

7. Fake Fancy: I'm not sure what the name brand in the tacky bedroom is. The round bed and fake 3-tier cake are tacky. So, I agree?

8. Sentimental Decor: This isn't a collection. It's a store display. Hummel figurines are not ugly and if I love my grandma's Hummel collection, f-you, Miles Redd. What's ugly -- Lladro.

9.  One Night Table: This one is half-right. What's wrong with this set up is that anyone who sleeps on the right-side of the bed has to either climb over the person on the left or climb in from the bottom. There's room to move that bed over. There's also no lamp next to the bed, so who is going to be reading in bed? Assuming this is indeed a guest room, if you are sponging off your friends/family for overnight accommodations, don't complain. You could PAY for a hotel room and have a nightstand and lamp.

10. Beveled Glass: I don't know why. And I'm not sure that taking advice from someone named after a crunchie vegetable is the way to go.

11. Dried Flower Arrangements: Sorry Nate, I don't think this is an arrangement. The vase is too big for the stems that are there. It's more likely the remains of a larger floral arrangement. I take out the flowers out as they die off. But, Nate is right, how do you clean dried flowers?

12. Poorly Done "More is More": Sorry, is there really a way to do "more is more" well?

13. Hotel-Inspired Rooms: What's really ridiculous is that the bed is in front of a glass closet door and the only clothing this person has is little white dresses.

14. Dark Lampshades: It's not just dark -- it's patterns, too -- that Ellie dislikes. Personally, I like the example. It's by a large window, keep that Venetian blind up and I don't see gloom. I would consider the sofa and border on the Venetian blind are also dark and therefore gloomy, per Ellie.

15. Tourist Art: Art is subjective. So, no problem, Young Huh, I'll pay someone else to hung the art that I like. (See, I PAY you, not the other way around.)

16. Commitment-Phobia: So, having red napkins and a red curtain in a dining room with a glass-top table, white chairs and white carpet apparently is not committing to a color. The pop of color in the white room looks good. Mono-chrome sucks. Plus, the red will coordinate with the red wine stains that are soon to adorn that white carpet.

17. Not Using Every Room of the House: Who has rooms in their house they don't use? Maybe someone with a 14-bedroom and 16-bathroom house? But the real problem with this room is the drop ceiling. (Which honestly, makes me think this is an empty office in an office building -- the ceiling is lower than the top of the windows.) If you can afford an unused room, put in a real ceiling.

18. Matching Fabrics on the Drapes and the Furniture: This seems to contradict the "more is more" since this seems to be an ideal use of "more is more." Only the cushions on the stools and the drapes are the same fabric. So, in response to #12, can you do "more is more" well -- I guess so.

19. Dark Walls: It's not the dark walls, it's the over-saturation of color. The walls are a dark blue and the carpet is a plum-purple. It's not the wall color that's the problem -- it's all the purple in the room. Do dark carpet/light walls or dark walls/light carpet. And do better color coordination.

20. Shabby Chic: Sorry, that room is not cluttered. A twin-bed (looks like a long-twin, too.), a nightstand, desk and dresser are not clutter in a bedroom. Some people don't like mid-century modern, either. And, Jimmy-boy, wipe your feet on the way into someone's home and wiping them on the way out won't be a problem.

21. Reclaimed Wood: Yeah, I don't want any room in my home to look like the counter at the local coffee shop. But the reclaimed wood is not the problem. Madeline apparently hates the environment.

22. Over-Protection: Yes, I'm going to spend $1k+ on a nice dining room table and then let people place their hot dinner plates on the table, spill wine, etc. and ruin the finish. The problem with this table is that you cannot see the person across from you while dining because of the huge-a** centerpiece. (I supposed it's a bonus if the person sitting across from me is Trump, but not if it's Obama.) And, that tablecloth doesn't add anything.

23. Curtains that Just Graze the Floor: I suppose you could shorten them or does Ellie want them to puddle on the floor? Maybe just get your curtains cleaned on a regular basis and they won't "curl up over time and look mingy." (And what eff is "mingy?")

24. Assuming All Mid-Century Modern is Great: This is Joe Nahem. He didn't like the "Icon-itis" in #5. This is kind of confirming my opinion that he's jealous. This isn't my style, but the only bad thing I see is the plaid sofa. I don't think it fits the Mid-Century Modern that well. But, if that's the problem -- it really needs to be featured more prominently in the photo.

25. Rooms without Dimmers: Look, I like dimmers on lights. Being able to adjust the light level for what you're doing is great. Not having them doesn't kill friendships. And if it does, I don't think they were really friends.

26. A Different Wallpaper . . . (in every room)*: So you should put all of it in the same room? Frankly, once again, the photo shows a use of wallpaper that actually looks good. The hallway wallpaper (that you can barely see) coordinates nicely with the billiards room wallpaper. Try harder to make your point.

27. Mauve: Awww, poor Mary, a color hurts her "whittle" feelings. Really? A shade of pink does that much harm to you? I bet the dark blue and dark purple room in #19 kills her.

28. Framed Photographs of Family . . . (on ever possible surface)*: It would seems Brian is just struggling to be part of the critical crowd. He doesn't object to family photos unless you have them on every possible surface. It's hard to sit on your sofa if there are photos there, so don't put them there. This is really like Young Huh in #15, he doesn't like it, but art is subjective. Keep your pictures of granny out if they make you smile.

29. Pullout Sofa Beds: If you don't want to sleep on a sofa bed, you can PAY for a hotel. Or just be grateful for a warm place to sleep. (And remember, company is like fish, it stinks after 3 days.)

30. Cherry: This just in, Nate Berkus hates the color red. I personally, dislike the trend to decorate in gray monotone. So, I say, "Gray."

31. Using Decor from Just One Era: Okay, this is the THIRD time for this theme. Some designers must really be jumping on a hate bandwagon. Personally, I think "mix and match" can be really great. But they have a sofa in the dining room, maybe it doesn't work anywhere else? Or, maybe they like it. I think it looks good.

32. Gallery Walls: Okay, Wendy, are they good or bad? You like the personal touch but think they add clutter. Maybe the issue isn't the gallery wall, but what's in the rest of the room? I think gallery walls looks nice, but I think they are difficult to pull off because you need to get the spacing and balance right. More power to the person who can do that.

33. Too Many Brass Accents: This one is a toughie. I do agree -- you can go overboard on accents. I'm not going to limit it to brass, though. Frankly, once again, the photo is, in my most humble opinion, not a good example of too many brass accents.

34. Stark Modern Interiors: Okay, I think I can go all in on agreeing with Erika Yeaman on this. The stark look seems serene, but people live in homes. You need a place to have books, magazines, remote controls, etc. In the photo example, they seem to have purchased shelves to put nothing on. Why?

35. Forgetting to Edit: Wow, a third one I agree with (out of 35 -- this is not a good thing.) It's really tempting to put all of your collection out, but if you want it to look good, put out the best pieces. Or, do a rotation every couple months.

I will admit, it might really be more than three that I have agreement with, but the others have caveats.

So, what do you think?

*The statement is parenthesis is the continuation of the tagline -- kind of like a bait-and-switch.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Yesterday was my second time working out at Orange Theory Fitness but it was my first official Orange Theory Fitness workout. The theme for the day was endurance.

I think I enjoyed this workout more than the first one. I started out with rowing and ended with the walking. The coach, Ben, had us do these side plank things to work our obliques. I sucked at them.

He also wanted us to do burpies. UGH! I do not burp well. I knew I couldn't do anything involving jumping (or moving) up and down, so I just did straight push ups. Which by the third set where killing my arms. (Which, amazingly enough, are not sore today. Not sure if that means I'm doing something wrong.)

Although I don't hit the numbers they are pushing for on the treadmill, I do push myself higher than my normal (which is around 2.5.) I kept my treadmill at 3.0 with a 2 incline through most of the workout. The first half was intense for a distance (1/8 of mile for walkers) and then one minute of recovery. I went about .44 miles doing that. The second half was to go as hard as we could for 10 minutes and try to beat our distance from before. I got to over .5 miles. Very happy with that result.

Things that we good about this workout -- since I knew what the colors on the screen meant, I was able to see if I was working at a high enough intensity.*

The other thing that is cool about Orange Theory Fitness is that they mail you a summary of your workout. If I remember correctly, the goal is to have 15-25 minutes of your workout in the blue/green zone and 15 in the orange/red zone. I hit both this time.

I don't have editting software available as I post, so I apologize for all the crap around the shot -- I'll edit it later.

I'm feeling good about my Orange Theory Fitness membership. (And not giving money to Drumpf.)

*I went up and found my name on the board so I'd know where to look for my color -- I don't wear my glasses while working out and can't read the monitor unless I walk up close enough

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Procrastination is Not Your Friend

In my true fashion, I procrastinated getting workouts two and three in this week, so that when Saturday rolled around, I had to work out both Saturday and Sunday. A little bit of panic sets in -- but I'm still good.

I have a plan:
1. Get up early and workout around 7:30 on Saturday morning before going to volunteer at the San Diego Zoo at 9:30
2. Go work out around 9:30 on Sunday morning before going to my noon Sunday game event.
3. Perfect plan.

Of course, I do not follow this plan.

Instead this is the actual results (which I should have known):

1. Do not get up early on Saturday.
2. Do volunteer training, walking around the Lost Forest at the Zoo and then do a two-hour shift at orangutans.
3. Go to LA Fitness after all that.

Photographic proof: 

I go to the LA Fitness location in Kearny Mesa. Above is a photo of the club on the outside.

You may say, hey, so you dropped by, took a pic and left. Nope . . . 

Here I am at the front desk:

(Sorry, cannot figure out to rotate that photo -- it's right in my photo editor, but not here.)

And to prove I actually worked out -- here are the results:

The best part is that I made myself work at a bit higher pace than I normally do. I usually start at 2 miles per hour, but today I started at 2.5 miles per hour and actually went up to three for a bit. It was a 45 minute walk with a 5 minute cool down.

And the plan for today (Sunday, March 27)? Of course, that went out the window. I got up on time to go to my game event, but not to go workout before hand. So at 3:00 when games ended, I headed over to DeAnza Cove to walk.

I made a deal with myself, if I could easily find a parking space, I was walking around the bay area there. If not, I'd go home and walk the neighborhood. No problem finding a parking space. Lots of people, but parking was not a problem.

I did a photo and a little video at the beginning of my walk. Here's me at DeAnza:

Yeah, I know you have no idea where I am from the photo, but it's DeAnza. I was listening to "A Way with Words" on KPBS which was about half way done when I left.

I don't know how to add the video from my phone yet -- so maybe later I'll add that..

I walked for about one and a half hours. From the lot at DeAnza to the Hilton Hotel and back.

It was a bit of a challenge dodging all the people on bikes. None of whom know how to announce they are approaching -- like saying "on your left" or "left" before they pass. On the other hand, if they did do that, they probably would have gone hoarse from constantly announcing their approach to all the people.

I really don't understand why Minnesota, a place with THREE months of warm weather, has separate paths for cyclists and walkers/runners, but San Diego with TWELVE months of warm weather makes them share one path.

My feet were really sore after both walks, but, damn it, no money for Drumpf.

Happy dancing! (But next week, two workouts done by Wednesday.)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Orange Theory Fitness - Let the Ransom Workouts Begin!

My ransom workouts ran into a snag at the end of January when my dad died and the trip home for his funeral messed with my finances. But things are finally back on track and the Ransom Workouts have officially begun.

The standards for the Ransom Workouts:

  • The workout week is Monday-Sunday
  • I will workout for 30 minutes, three times a week
  • I will submit photographic evidence of the workouts
If I do not do this, I will lose $5 per workout not completed and the money not ransomed from now through the end of April will go to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.


So, today, I went to check out Orange Theory Fitness (OTF) in Mission Valley for a free class. My sister in Des Moines, Iowa, goes to OTF three to four times a week there and told me about it. I decided I wanted to check it out.

Here I am with my Bluetooth heart rate monitor waiting for my workout class to start:
Me -- with my heart rate monitor ready to workout

I was presently surprised to find that they have showers --  only two but they have them. It seems most people just come, workout and leave. They do have hand lotion in all the bathrooms -- something my dry hands love!

I started my workout on the rowing machines and alternated rowing with upper body weight training. I also did my first TRX routine. It will be interesting to see how sore my arms are tomorrow. I ended with treadmill and squats.

Going into this, I was interested in joining. I didn't want the unlimited package because I know I won't go that often and right now, I'm just looking to go at least once a week. They have several packages for monthly memberships -- 4, 8 and unlimited times per month. Or, you can pay for 10-30 sessions and have a year to use them.  I decided to go with the four times per month membership. If I decide I want an extra class, it's $18.00/class (actually less than my current per class cost.)

Here is my new membership folder:
My new membership folder
My first official workout is scheduled for next Tuesday, March 29 at 5:05.

Ransom recovered: 1!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ransom Workouts

Like many people, I'm constantly trying to find ways to motivate myself to do some sort of physical activity. I recently started to walk with someone from my Meetup game group, which has helped me do more walking (and the fact that she walks a bit faster than I would on my own doesn't hurt.)

I've been thinking about why I don't workout regularly. I have a gym membership at LA Fitness, but it's pretty darned cheap. I pay about $120 for an entire year. This only "hurts" my pocketbook when I make the payment and it's an average of about $10/month. Not a huge financial hit to pay for and not use. I've been thinking that if I was paying, say $50 each month for a gym membership (about what it would cost me to join a new club like 24 Hour Fitness), I would probably go more often because I'd feel the need to get my money's worth.

This lead me to my idea -- Ransom Workouts.

I will give an amount of money to my walking buddy to hold for me and I only get the money back if I do my workouts. My initial thought is that I will shoot for three times per week and each workout earns $5 of my money back. I would give her $60 at the beginning of the month and to get my money back, I have to workout and prove that I did the workout. My initial idea is to take of photo of myself with the days paper at the club at the end of my workout.

Then I started thinking that, well, my friend isn't necessarily motivated to get me to workout if she gets to keep my money (not that she wanted to) but I thought, what if any money I don't earn back has to go to a charity I don't support. (I know Donald isn't desperate for my $5, but I certainly don't want him to have it anyway.) I bring the money thing up to my friend and tell her my idea. She likes it -- she was thinking that any money I didn't earn back would be donated to charity anyway. She just wasn't doing the evil twist.

I think she is going to do this, too. So starting by February 1, I will have to workout or give money to someone I don't want to have my money.

Updates, photos and progress to follow.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My May Freebies

I've been trying to save money with coupons and other free deals that I learn about. Since I've moved to San Diego, I don't have regular access to a store that double coupons -- at least that I'm aware of at this time.

Mostly, I've been taking advantage of free samples that I hear about. In May, I got four samples for free:
1. L'Oreal EverPUre Shampoo and Conditioner sample

2. Zone Perfect Cashew Pretzel Bar (full-size bar)

3. Folgers Special Roast sample (enough to make one pot)

4. Free Blockbuster Express DVD rental for one night (I watched The King's Speech)

Not a lot -- but I figure the more I catch the more I'll get.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Specialness of June

Apparently there is something special about every day and every week in June -- some are even doubly special because they have more than one thing to celebrate.

Here is the specialness of June, starting with the weeks:
In sequence, we have National Fishing Week, National Clay Week, National Hermit Week, and National Camping Week
Take a Kid Fishing Weekend is June 11-13. Ask a Boy Scout for help if you need it. Please
National Nursing Assistants Week is June 11-18
National Flag Week is June 14-20. (Your attention is called to June 14th, below.)
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week is June 20-27.
June 1st is National Trails Day
June 2nd is Colleen Day
June 3rd is Chimborazo Day
June 4th is Old Maid's Day
June 6th is the 66th anniversary of D-Day
June 8th is Best Friends Day
June 9th is Senior Citizens Day
June 10th is Ball Point Pen Day and Little Brother Bill's Birthday
June 12th is Magic Day
Kitchen Klutzes of America Day, the 13th, shares Weed Your Garden Day — the second Sunday in June
June 14th is 'Pop Goes the Weasel' and Flag Day. Stand and salute her when she passes on 7/4...
June 15th is Fly a Kite Day — to commemorate Franklin's kite experiment in 1752
June 16th is National Fudge Day
June 17th is Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18th is National Splurge Day
June 20th is Bald Eagle Day and Father's Day. This may be a coincidence. The third Sunday of June is designated Ice Cream Soda Day and falls on the 20th this year
June 21st Cuckoo Warning Day. Hear a cuckoo and have a wet summer
June 22nd is Auto Race Day and Stupid Guy Thing Day. TURN LEFT!
June 23rd is Bullwhacker Day
June 24th is Log Cabin Day. Good syrup
June 25th is LEON Day. LEON is NOEL spelled backwards. It is six months until Christmas
June 27th is National Columnists Day. Some are better than others
June 28th is World War I Day
June 29th is Library Advocacy Day
June 30th is Leap Second Time Adjustment Day

Information plucked from the Pioneer Press Bulletin Board on June 1, 2010.