Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Orange Theory Fitness - Let the Ransom Workouts Begin!

My ransom workouts ran into a snag at the end of January when my dad died and the trip home for his funeral messed with my finances. But things are finally back on track and the Ransom Workouts have officially begun.

The standards for the Ransom Workouts:

  • The workout week is Monday-Sunday
  • I will workout for 30 minutes, three times a week
  • I will submit photographic evidence of the workouts
If I do not do this, I will lose $5 per workout not completed and the money not ransomed from now through the end of April will go to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.


So, today, I went to check out Orange Theory Fitness (OTF) in Mission Valley for a free class. My sister in Des Moines, Iowa, goes to OTF three to four times a week there and told me about it. I decided I wanted to check it out.

Here I am with my Bluetooth heart rate monitor waiting for my workout class to start:
Me -- with my heart rate monitor ready to workout

I was presently surprised to find that they have showers --  only two but they have them. It seems most people just come, workout and leave. They do have hand lotion in all the bathrooms -- something my dry hands love!

I started my workout on the rowing machines and alternated rowing with upper body weight training. I also did my first TRX routine. It will be interesting to see how sore my arms are tomorrow. I ended with treadmill and squats.

Going into this, I was interested in joining. I didn't want the unlimited package because I know I won't go that often and right now, I'm just looking to go at least once a week. They have several packages for monthly memberships -- 4, 8 and unlimited times per month. Or, you can pay for 10-30 sessions and have a year to use them.  I decided to go with the four times per month membership. If I decide I want an extra class, it's $18.00/class (actually less than my current per class cost.)

Here is my new membership folder:
My new membership folder
My first official workout is scheduled for next Tuesday, March 29 at 5:05.

Ransom recovered: 1!

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